Any user who enters and makes use of the services of this e-shop is considered to consent and unreservedly accept the terms. If a user does not agree with these terms, he must avoid the use of the online store and any transaction with it.

Placing an order through the e-shop is the conclusion of a distance sales contract, regulated by the legislative framework of Law 2251/1994, as amended and in force today. The possibility of a valid order through the e-shop exists if the provisions on legal capacity of Greek law are met, to natural or legal persons.

The entire content of the website including, but not limited to, texts, news, graphics, photographs and generally any kind of files is the subject of intellectual property and is governed by the national and international provisions on Intellectual Property, with the exception of the expressly recognized rights of third parties. For this reason, it is forbidden to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, execute, “load”, translate modification in any way, in part or in summary without the express prior written consent of the company (for more information see TERMS OF USE AND CONDITIONS OF THE WEBSITE).

The Products, prices, shipping terms (place, time, etc.) are those listed in the Confirmation of Registration of your order. Payment is made before or during the delivery of the product and can be made with one of the following payment methods.

1. Cash on delivery of the price of your order upon delivery of the product to the place you chose.
2. Payment by Credit / Debit Card. If you have chosen a payment method through credit, debit and prepaid cards of Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover or by using the Masterpass e-wallet, our website refers you to the completion of the secure form.
The card details you provided will be processed with SSL encryption. For credit and debit card payments, you are required to enter the CVV (Card Verification Code), a code printed on the card that serves as a security code when trading transactions. Credit cards will be subject to approvals and controls by the issuing company, and if that entity does not approve the payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or failure of delivery and we will not be able to ratify any contract with you. In case your card is rejected, it may be due to the following reasons:
The card may have expired.Check if your card has exceeded the expiration date.
The card may have reached its credit limit. Check with your bank if your card has exceeded its credit limit. The information you entered may be incorrect. Check that you have filled in all the required fields correctly.

3. By deposit in a bank account of our business. If you encounter any problem with your card or wish to complete your purchase through a bank transaction, please contact us at +302310290600 to inform you about the bank accounts to which you can make a deposit. For your convenience, please provide the bank’s depository with your Name and Order Number as a reason. Then please send the deposit receipt via e-mail to the

The bank account in which you can deposit the money is:
Bank of Greece: National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR2301102120000021244066649

* Attention the customer is charged the bank fee (“OUR” commission), in case of bank transfer from another bank.

* Be careful if the customer makes his payment from another bank. a commission of 3.00 € is charged.

the has chosen the best partners to guarantee the security of your encrypted and secure payments. Payments are made through the secure environment (SSL). All banking information is confidential.

The user has the ability, by calling the 2310290600 or by sending an email to the to cancel an order he gave by any means of communication, so that it is not executed, provided that it has not already been executed (orders that are in the “Pending” or “In process” stage).

The user may, within 15 calendar days from the delivery of the goods to the user (or delivery to a carrier chosen by the user other than the one offered by the Company), withdraw from the contract he entered into with the Company (i.e., for all the goods of each order). The Company in this case will refund to the user all the money received from him by deposit in a bank account indicated by the user, without charging expenses for such a refund – including, where applicable, delivery costs (excluding additional costs due to any choice of the user to use a delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Company), without undue delay and in any case within 15 calendar days from the day the Company is informed of the user’s withdrawal (via email, telephone or statement of withdrawal). The user must, in this case, return the goods to the Company through his/her choice and at his own expense, without undue delay and in any case within 15 calendar days from the day he/she declared that he/she is withdrawing from the contract. The user is only liable for any decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling that was not necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods. Simply put, the good must be in such a state that allows it to be resold, so you can try the good, but not use it, Indicatively, if you bought shoes, you can try them at home, but not wear them out. The returned good should, in addition, be exactly as before its sale, in its full original packaging (box, nylon, foam, which should not have tears or damages / alterations) and with all the contents of the original packaging (forms of instructions for use, features and guarantees, connection cables, installation software, etc.). The Company is entitled to delay the refund until it has received the goods back or until the user provides the Company with proof that he has sent back the goods, whichever occurs first. The user may return the good himself to the company’s registered office. Goods that were sold with an additional gift must be returned along with the extra gift, otherwise the value of the gift will be deducted from the refunded amount. Unsealed goods not suitable for return for hygiene reasons (e.g. cosmetics) and unsealed audiovisual recording and software carriers (CD, DVD, etc.) are not returned. For the rest, the current provisions of Law 2251/1994 on withdrawal apply.

Statement of withdrawal

If the visitor/user wishes to subscribe to the services of the site, he/she agrees to a) provide true, valid and complete information about the data requested in the relevant requests for access to his/her contents/services and b) he/she maintains and diligently updates his/her registration details, so that they are kept true, accurate, valid, up-to-date and complete. Accounts with incomplete or false information will be deleted without notice. Each member undertakes to make strictly personal use of his account details and to immediately inform the site of any use of his account by third parties which caused a violation of the described terms of use.

The newsletters that the visitor/user of the site’s services receives by subscribing to the mailinglists are the intellectual property of the site’s administrators and are therefore protected by the relevant provisions of Greek legislation and international conventions. The administrator of the site reserves the right not to register a person in the recipient lists or to delete him/her from them.
Upon completion of your order, you give your consent to send newsletters from the You may request at any time to stop sending updates on the offers, new collections or new types of products we offer as well as our actions, or refuse to receive direct marketing communications. It’s easier to do so by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link in any email or notification we send you. Otherwise, you can contact us using our contact details.

This Privacy Statement and the attached Terms and Conditions of Use of this website describe the method of collecting data from the website, our use of such data and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Privacy Statement refers solely to the personal data that you provide to us during your orders, with the provisions of the applicable Legislation, including Laws 2472/1997 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and 3471/2006 on the protection of personal data in electronic communications, as they are today.

The recognizes the importance of the security of your personal data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure your maximum security. The company has adopted procedures that protect the personal data that users provide on its website or provide to it by any other means (e.g. by telephone). These procedures protect user data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and change or destruction. They also help to certify that this information is accurate and used correctly. If you have a VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTERCARD, DINAMIC, MAESTRO, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS, DISCOVER credit card, you can use it safely through the and the Secure Environment of all Greek banking institutions.
The credit card payment process is covered by the most modern security standards and is carried out through the e-Simplify platform by NBG.
Specifically for your purchases via credit card, we inform you that:
When confirming purchase by credit card, you are automatically transferred to a secure environment of NBG
Once your order has been completed and if you have chosen a payment method through credit, debit and prepaid cards of Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover or by using the Masterpass electronic wallet, our website refers you to the completion of the secure form. In order to ensure electronic transactions via credit cards, all payments made using a card are processed through the e-Simplify electronic payment platform of NBG and uses encryption with SSL protocol (SecureSocketsLayer – SSL). Encryption is a way of encoding information until it reaches its specific recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.